Can topdressing with salt increase oversowing success and pasture quality on steep, south facing slopes in hill country pastures?
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
Two experiments were conducted in sodium deficient
(<0.03% Na in DM) pastures on steep, south facing
slopes at Mt Grand, Hawea, Central Otago (600 m.a.s.l),
to determine the effect of the application of coarse salt
(NaCl) fertiliser on pasture composition and establishment
of oversown seeds. In Experiment 1, factorial
combinations of salt (0, 150 kg NaCl/ha), N (0,100 kg
N/ha as urea) and sulphur superphosphate (0, 500 kg/
ha) fertilisers were applied to 30 x 8 m plots in early
December 2003. Balansa clover (10 kg seed/ha) and
subterranean clover (10 kg/ha) seeds were oversown
into each plot in March 2004. Plots where salt was applied
were grazed intensively by Merino ewes immediately
after salt application creating up to 50% bare ground. In
December 2004, pastures where salt had been applied
one year earlier were shorter, had a lower percentage of
white clover and a higher percentage of bare ground and
balansa clover. In Experiment 2, factorial combinations
of salt fertiliser (0, 100 kg NaCl/ha) and seed (no seed,
mixture of Caucasian clover (10 kg/ha), Lotus
pendunculatus (2 kg/ha) and plantain (2 kg/ha)) were
applied together to 5 x 10 m plots in September 2004. In
April 2005, pastures where salt was applied were shorter,
had fewer grass seedheads, a lower percentage of resident
grasses and litter but a higher percentage of bare ground
and plantain. There were more seedlings of plantain where
salt was (6.5 seedlings/m²) than where it was not applied
(1.1 seedlings/m²). This small plot work indicates that
salt fertiliser application to Na-deficient herbage can
enhance grazing intensity. By creating soil disturbance
and reducing competition from resident grasses, salt
application increased the establishment of oversown seeds
of plantain and balansa clover. Establishment of the slow
growing species (Caucasian clover, lotus) and the large
seeded subterranean clover appeared to be unsuccessful
under the conditions of the experiments. Salt application
is a tool for pasture management and improvement in the
hill/high country that could be used together with other
methods such as herbicides, seeding, sub-division,
grazing management and fertiliser.
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Copyright © The Authors and New Zealand Grassland Association.