Estimation of parameter distributions in a model of magnesium dynamics in cows to predict the risk of tetany in dairy herds
Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
The onset of tetany, when dairy cattle have
insufficient magnesium, has a huge impact both
economically and on animal welfare. We have
previously adapted a model of magnesium
dynamics in sheep (Robson et al. 1997) for use
with dairy cattle as an aid to understanding
aspects of magnesium metabolism which influence
the risk of animals contracting tetany (Bell et al.
2005). To estimate this risk in a dairy herd, we
carried out Monte-Carlo simulations in which
model parameters for individual animals in the
herd were varied randomly according to their
statistical distributions (McKinnon et al. 2003). In
this approach the choice of parameter distributions
can significantly influence the risk estimates. In
some cases the distributions are available from the
literature, but in other cases they must be obtained
using some sort of parameter refinement process to
estimate the parameter distributions from
measured data corresponding to a model output. In this paper we present an overview of a
generalised algorithm which was developed to
improve the accuracy of a priori parameter
distribution estimates obtained from literature data
using an iterative refinement process. At each
iteration a response distribution for the current
parameter distribution estimate is evaluated using
the Monte-Carlo method and compared with a
corresponding experimental sample response
distribution. A parameter filter is constructed using the iterative parameter estimates and response
distributions so that the filter entries form an
approximate solution space of the desired refined
state. This permits estimates of the parameter
distributions to be calculated from the parameter
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© 2007 Modelling & Simulation Society of Australia & New Zealand Inc.