Studies on the growth and compositional development of antlers in red deer (Cervus elaphus)
Fields of Research
The experiments described in this thesis investigated nutritional
and physiological aspects of antler growth in red deer stags. The
initial experiment (Section 3) examined the effects of winter nutrition
on subsequent antler casting date and velvet antler weight. Mature stags
on two different farm types (hill country, Farm H and irrigated lowland,
Farm L) were offered three levels of winter nutrition, two levels of a
concentrate supplement (ad libitum pellets and 1/2 ad libitum pellets)
and a basal hay ration. On both properties liveweight gains occurred in
supplemented groups and liveweight losses in unsupplemented groups. At
antler casting there were significant differences in liveweight of
approximately 10 kg between fully supplemented and unsupplemented groups.
Realimentation of winter liveweight losses subsequently occurred so that
by the following rut the effects of winter undernutrition had been
eliminated. On Farm H poor winter nutrition (hay only) resulted in a
significant delay in casting date (13 days) and lower velvet antler
yields (0.24 kg), than in stags offered the ad libitum concentrate
ration. Stags on Farm H were 13 kg lighter at commencement of the trial
than at Farm L and the differences in treatment effects obtained between
farms may have been due to differences in body condition at commencement
of the trial.
An association was demonstrated between liveweight and date of
antler casting, with heavier stags casting earlier than lighter stags.
There was no effect of age of stag on casting date. Of the liveweights
recorded, liveweight prior to the rut showed the best relationship with
casting date, possibly because the seasonal nature of liveweight change
meant that a weight recorded at this time gave the best indicator of the
true frame size of a stag. Both age and liveweight significantly
affected velvet antler weight, with increases of velvet antler weight of
0.26 kg between 3 and 4-year-old stags and of 0.30 kg between 4 and
5-year-old stags at the same liveweight. Within an age group velvet
weight increased by 0.12 kg for each 10 kg increase in pre-rut
The experiments described in Section 4 comprised studies on antler
growth and composition. In order to obtain data on antler growth and
composition individual antlers were removed sequentially from mature red
deer stags between 28 and 112 days after casting of hard antlers.
Contralateral antlers were removed after stripping of velvet. Wide
variation occurred in antler casting date (53 days) compared to date of
velvet stripping (24 days). The duration of the period of antler growth
may therefore be governed more by date of casting than by date of velvet
stripping. Mean duration of the antler growth period was 164 days.
Growth in length of the antler appeared to follow a sigmoid curve.
However, between 28 and 112 days after casting, rates of elongation were
close to linear. Mean length of hard stripped antlers was 0.71 m and
between 28 to 112 days after casting mean rate of antler elongation was
0.62 cm/day. Over this period indivdual antlers increased in fresh
weight at a rate of 13.7 g/d, with heaviest weight recorded 112 days
after antler casting, at approximately 130% of final hard antler weight.
Between 28 and 91 days of growth, volume of blood in the antler increased
linearly at a rate of 194 ml/kg. Three phases of mineralization were
demonstrated in developing antlers. Tips of growing antlers were
cartilaginous and poorly mineralized. A zone of mineralization occurred
5.0 to 7.5 cm behind the antler tip which corresponded histologically to
the transition from mineralized cartilage to trabecular bone. The second
phase of mineralization occurred through continued accretion of
trabecular bone in the antler shaft. The third phase, described as
"terminal mineralization" in this study, appeared to be associated with a
rapid increase in density of cortical bone in the periphery of the antler
shaft. Terminal mineralization (between 91 and 112 days after casting of
hard antlers) coincided with the slowing of growth in length, a decrease
in relative blood volume in the antler and an increase in levels of
plasma testosterone. These events occurred close to the summer solstice.
At velvet stripping individual antlers had a mean weight of
1.12 kg and contained 81.1% dry matter (DM). Fat free organic matter
(FFOM) and ash concentration in DM were 36.6 and 60.0%, respectively.
Peak daily rates of FFOM and ash deposition occurred between 91 days and
112 days after casting, at rates of 1.4% of hard antler FFOM and 1.6% of
hard antler ash. For a stag producing 2.24 kg of hard antler mean rates
of FFOM and ash deposition over this period were 9.3 and 18.3 g/d,
respectively. On a whole antler basis calcium concentration in antler
ash remained constant, at around 35%. Therefore peak rate of antler
calcium deposition would be 6.4 g/d.
In the final experiment (Section 5) mature stags were offered a
maintenance ration of greenfeed oats during the period of peak calcium
requirement for antler growth and the kinetics of calcium metabolism were
examined using a radio-isotope (⁴⁵Ca). Rates of faecal endogenous loss
were low and at approximately 6.4 mg/kg BW per were half the estimated
requirements of ARC (1980) for sheep and cattle. Availability of calcium
from greenfeed oats was low (mean, 37%) and less than 30% of
total calcium requirements were derived from the diet. Poorly
mineralized skeletal bones indicated that the shortfall in antler calcium
was derived from the skeleton. In spite of a severely negative calcium
balance stags were capable of maintaining high and apparently normal
rates of antler calcium deposition (mean, 44 mg/kg BW per day). Antlers
appear to be acting as a sink with calcium being irreversibly deposited
in the antler and lost to the animal's body. On the assumption therefore
that antler calcium behaves like calcium lost during lactation a kinetic
model of calcium metabolism in the stag was developed.
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