Epidemiological aspects of MBC resistance in Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey and mechanisms of resistance
Fields of Research
Isolates of Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey obtained from stone fruit
orchards in Hawkes Bay, North Island and from Californian fruit exported to
New Zealand, were tested for resistance to methyl benzimidazole carbamate
(MBC). Resistant isolates from the North Island had EC₅₀ values of >30,000,
and most isolates from the imported fruit had of values approximately 1.5 mg
a.i./l carbendazim. Sensitive isolates failed to grow on 1 mg a.i./l carbendazim.
A detached peach shoot system was used in controlled conditions for estimation
of values for incubation period, latent period and rate of spore production on
flowers (cv Glohaven). The same variables and the rate of colonisation of host
tissue were measured on fruit (cv Fantasia) in controlled conditions. An
inoculum density of 1x10⁴ spore/flower or fruit greatly increased fitness in vivo
compared to an inoculum density of 1x10² spore/flower (fruit). Isolates varied
considerably, but there was no consistent relationship between the degrees of
resistance and fitness. This was in contrast to earlier studies with
dicarboximide resistant strains of M. fructicola.
The survival in the field of 10 isolates resistant or sensitive to MBC or
dicarboximide fungicides on twig cankers and mummified fruit was compared.
The ability to produce conidia on twig cankers inoculated in late spring 1989
was maintained by all sensitive and MBC resistant isolates for at least 1 year.
The production of conidia on mummified fruit inoculated in February 1990
decreased after 2-3 months in the field but some conidia were still produced on all fruit in the following spring. Dicarboximide resistant isolates produced less conidia than either the MBC resistant and the sensitive isolates. The
pathogenicity and fitness of all isolates were similar to the original values after
survival for 1 year.
A technique was developed to produce apothecia reliably from inoculated peach
(cv Black Boy) and nectarine (cv Fantasia) fruit in controlled conditions in the
laboratory. The fruit were inoculated with resistant or sensitive isolates, or
combinations, and were incubated for 8 weeks at 25°C (±1°C) with 12 hours
photoperiod of fluorescent light (Sylvania 2x65 W, daylight) to produce
mummified fruit. The fruit were then buried in moist autoclaved peat moss for
10 weeks at 25°C (±1°C) in the dark to form stromata. These fruit were then
hydrated with running tap-water (total hardness (CaCO₃) = 47 g/m³ and
conductivity at 20°C = 12.7 mS/m) for 72 hours. The hydrated mummified
fruit were placed in moist peat moss and were incubated for 13-14 weeks at 8°C (±0.5°C) in the dark. At the end of this period, stipe initials were visible.
Differentiation of stipe initials into mature apothecia occurred within 15-20
days after transfer to 12°C (±2 °C) with a 12 hour photoperiod of fluorescent
and incandescent light. All isolates produced apothecia when treated in this
A technique for isolation of ascospore sets in linear arrangement was developed
for tetrad analysis of the inheritance of resistance. At least 3 hours of
fluorescent and incandescent light at 12°C (±2°C) was essential to allow
ascospore ejection from individual asci taken from apothecia previously
maintained in a 12 hour photoperiod at 12°C (±1°C). A water film on the
surface of water agar was necessary to hold a set of ejected ascospores in linear
sequence. Single ascospores were obtained in sequence with the aid of a
Genetic analysis of MBC resistant isolates was carried out on ascospores
derived from apothecia produced in the laboratory. Analysis of ascospore sets
in linear arrangement and ascospore populations indicated that resistance to
>30,000 mg a.i./l carbendazim (high-resistant) is governed by a single major
gene and is affected by gene conversion mechanisms. Crossing over was
frequent, suggesting that recombination of resistance with other characters,
such as pathogenicity and fitness, may occur readily. The segregation ratio
(1:1) from most resistant isolates revealed that heterokaryons containing both
resistant and sensitive alleles were common in resistant populations and that
resistance is dominant. Allozyme analysis of ascospore progeny through
electrophoresis revealed a narrow genetic base of M. fructicola in New Zealand.
The technique for reliable apothecial production in controlled conditions
developed in this study provided an important step for the determination of the
biology of M. fructicola strains resistant to MBC fungicides, and the complexity
of its life cycle. Genetic heterogeneity in field populations can be conserved in
one isolate through heterokaryosis, thus providing for adaptability of the
pathogen to the changing environmental conditions. Knowledge on genetic
variability, overwintering ability, pathogenicity and fitness factors may be
useful for future management strategies of stone fruit brown rot. Special
emphasis should be made in particular to prevent primary infection on
blossoms, which would delay the establishment of recombinant strains of M.
fructicola and the onset of brown rot epidemics.
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