
The grape experiments at Lincoln College

In 1973 a small area of grapes was planted to evaluate the potential of Canterbury as a grape-growing district. At that stage, there was no significant commercial production of grapes in the South Island and it was widely believed that temperatures in the area were too cold. After a period of two to three years, some of the grapes had cropped, and the sugar/acid levels were much better than expected and a small amount of wine was made which was quite acceptable. Also, by this stage, Montana Wines had planted a commercial area in Marlborough and interest in the South as a new district was increasing. As a result, the Lincoln College vineyard was extended to include more cultivars and a training trial was established. Since then, the grapes and wines have continued to give encouraging results and commercial production of wine in Canterbury has begun. The trials have continued to emphasise cultivar assessment and training methods, but some physiological studies are being done by staff and by post-graduate students. A small wine-making laboratory has been made and a technique of microvinificationadopted which is used in the grape assessment. A few limited trials in winemaking techniques have been carried out.
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