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Farm finance data : availability and requirements

Discussion Paper
Fields of Research
The Royal Commission on the Monetary, Banking and Credit System (1956) first recommended that improvements should be made in the statistics relating to the agricultural sector in New Zealand. Since that time the need for improvements in both the quantity and quality of statistics relating to capital supply and investment, in order to provide a sound base for policy decisions, has frequently been noted (Agricultural Development Conference, 1966; Johnson, 1970; Lending to Farmers, 1972; Monetary and Economic Council, 1966). Such statistics are required not only to monitor the effects of policies aimed specifically at the agricultural sector, but also to determine the impact of broader monetary policies on the rural credit market. However, although the need for detailed information has been recognised it has not been determined exactly what the data requirements are with respect to agriculture, and the statistics available do not yet provide a comprehensive picture of agricultural financing. The objective of the study described in this paper was the identification of the data required in order to monitor rural finance, and the review of available data in the light of these requirements.