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Tangimoana Regional Park : Site and recreation potential analysis : This study was prepared as a partial requirement of the Diploma in Parks and Recreation [Lincoln College]

Introduction: In 1975 the Department of Lands and Survey produced a 'Coastal Reserves Investigationand Proposals Report' on Manawatu County. The aim of the report was to take stock of coastal resources in order to plan for provision of Coastal preservation and Recreation Areas. Several proposals were introduced, the concept of a regional park centred on Tangimoana being the most important. A high priority rating was given to the regional park, which would form an integral part of a potential hierarchy of coastal reserves in the Manawatu. Of the coastline examined within the region, the strip between the Manawatu andTurakino rivers was regarded as being the most acceptable for coastal recreation, and within this area the Rangitikei river mouth and adjacent land offers the greatest potential of a regional nature. Objectives The objective of this study is to:- 1. Examine the natural resources of the proposed park area and assess its potential for recreation, and to 2. Indicate management requirements for the successful maintenance of the resource.
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