
Morepork (Ninox novaseelandiae) distribution and conservation on Banks Peninsula

Fields of Research
The morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae) project on Banks Peninsula was initiated in July 2014 and is expected to continue until 2017. The aim of this project led by the Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust (BPCT) is broadly to identify the habitats occupied by morepork and based on those findings, improve predator control in targeted areas as well as prohibiting the use of toxins. This work will contribute to improving the breeding and survival success of morepork and therefore increase their abundance in a fragmented and modified habitat on Banks Peninsula.This project successfully combined the use of several data collection methods to create a comprehensive spatial distribution map. Morepork appear to be wide-spread, but patchily distributed across the peninsula, and the number of individuals may still be relatively small. Additional research is required to detect their presence in more remote locations. The morepork monitored in Kaituna Reserve were foraging outside of the reserve, which suggests that small remnants are not sufficient to maintain a breeding pair. These birds did not successfully breed despite the presence of fertile eggs. Defining suitable morepork habitat may not mainly depend on the presence of predators and food sources (small rodents). Additional research is required to identify what characteristics determine the quality of a morepork habitat. The use of nesting boxes, as well as predator control may increase their survival rate.