
Is a happy worker a productive worker? The effect of transient mood and negative affectivity on job satisfaction and productivity

Fields of Research
The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between an employee's level of job satisfaction and productivity and his or her affective state. To achieve this, the following four hypotheses were formulated: (1) a negative emotional state is associated with lower job satisfaction; (2) a negative emotional state is associated with lower productivity; (3) negativity affectivity (NA) is inversely related to job satisfaction; and (4) NA is inversely related to productivity. No support was obtained for the four hypotheses among a sample of thirteen factory workers and their four supervisors. However, support for the general objective of the study was obtained from personal interviews conducted with twelve of the original sample, comprising eight factory workers and four supervisors. Reasons why the quantitative data did not support the study's hypotheses are discussed, including possible problems with the research methods. Methodological problems that may have biased the collection of the qualitative data are also discussed. The qualitative results do suggest that people's productivity and level of job satisfaction is influenced by their emotional state. However, the way in which this occurs may be unique to each individual. Recommendations are made regarding improving the methodology of this study and future areas of research are suggested in the conclusion.