
Rural contractor staffing – Challenges and solutions

Journal Article
Contribution to GDP and communities. There are over 7,000 rural contracting companies in New Zealand providing a range of services, including cultivation, harvesting, forage-making, shearing, fencing, ditch cleaning, hedge trimming, and fertiliser and chemical application, and as such are an important part of the rural economy. Not only do they contribute nearly as much to GDP as the forestry industry, but their contribution is also growing by around 6% per year. Rural contractors make a significant contribution to the entire agriculture industry, as they are usually more efficient than the farmer at what they do. This greater efficiency varies based on business, service type, region and farm types., Efficiency is driven by specialised equipment and skill sets, economies of scale, highly trained staff, advanced knowledge, use of the latest technology and operational excellence. Of these, operational excellence is the most prominent characteristic of these businesses.
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© 2023 New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management (NZIPIM).
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