
The effects of enzymatic modification on the functional ingredient - Dietary fiber extracted from potato residue

Journal Article
Potato residue obtained from industrial by-product is a rich source of dietary fiber. In this study, the potato residue dietary fiber was modified by cellulase and xylanase. The monosaccharide content, morphologic and structural characteristics, functional properties of modified dietary fiber were evaluated. The results show that cellulase/xylanase treatment significantly increased the soluble dietary fiber from 17.45% to 26.82%. The enzymatic modified dietary fiber exhibited higher (p < 0.05) soluble monosaccharide content, a stronger thermostability, and a more porous structure compared to the unmodified dietary fiber. These changes enhanced (p < 0.05) functional properties of potato residue dietary fiber, including water and oil holding capacity, swelling capacity, glucose and cholesterol absorption capacity, cation exchange capacity. Therefore, the cellulase/xylanase modification improved the quality of the dietary fiber and had the potential to increase values of the potato residue in food applications.
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