An approach to the management of genetic resources: 603 case study, Centre for Resource Management
This report is concerned with the development of an approach to the management of genetic resources. The approach is based upon a conceptual characterisation of the genetic resource as "information", which is carried and reproduced through time by living things. The management approach is primarily concerned with the maintenance of the diversity or the "stock" component of the genetic resource.
Two criteria, equity and efficiency have been offered as evaluative tools for the assessment of management strategies. Two case studies, one concerning plant variety rights, the other concerned with endangered species, are used to illustrate the application of our approach. The report concludes by identifying that maintenance of genetic information may be compromised by present management, which focuses only on living things. Directions for policy are suggested, which are directed at the maintenance and use of genetic information. The strategies presented are founded on the belief that genetic resources are most appropriately held as common property belonging to all people.
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