
Local authority park and recreation services in Auckland, 1978 : a survey of the organisation of recreation and park and recreation services within local authorities of metropolitan Auckland excluding the Auckland Regional Authority

New developments are occurring monthly but such steps need to be directed by aims and objectives that attain the maximum benefit for both the community and the recreation discipline concurrently. One such objective envisaged is to establish a corporate relationship between the parks discipline and the recreation discipline within a Local Authority context. Although this report is not comprehensive in its findings, it is hoped that it may initiate approaches from both professions in coming to a mutual agreement, both in the Auckland region and other regions of New Zealand. Such a partnership will involve time, patience and understanding from all sides, but the outcome is seen as benefiting Local Government, the two professions and the community. Further studies in this area in the years to come will hopefully record such developments as are similarly happening in Western Europe, Britain, North America and Australia.
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