The challenges of surveying cycle trail users
Conference Contribution - unpublished
Fields of Research
The Alps 2 Ocean (A20) is the longest of the Great Rides in the New Zealand Cycle Trail (NZCT) network. The NZCT was a government initiative designed to generate regional employment and economic development, benefit New Zealanders and enhance New Zealand's reputation as an international cycle tourism destination. The A20 descends 780m, from Aoraki/Mt Cook to Oamaru, with its 300+kms broken into 8 stages; suggested riding times for the whole trail are four (fast), six (classic) and eight (relaxed) days. To date, there has been no A20 user research. An online survey is being undertaken (December 2015-April 2016) to collect much needed data on users, their trail experiences and other activities participated in whilst doing the A20. The A20 presents a significant research challenge in respect of accessing users because of the length of the trail, multiple access points and variations in use intensity. Track counter data for January 2015, for example, records 329 users at the head of Lake Pukaki, 2002 at Lake Benmore and 2744 at the outskirts of Oamaru. A second challenge relates to designing an online survey which is both purpose built (to the A20) and applicable for all types of users.