
Skills development in the green economy - Chapter 3

Working Paper
This report presents the analysis and key findings of the project on Climate Change, Employment and Local Development in Sydney, Australia, carried out by the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Programme. Sydney and its main organisations are undergoing an important transformation in terms of the approach to human capital development, growth and job creation, and integrating the sustainability component into the greater metropolitan Sydney strategy and actions. Sydney is leading a wave of transformation in the country and has some state-of-the-art initiatives that are examples to other OECD regions. However, a challenge remains with respect to the governance of the system and the adjustment of programmes to the new needs of a low-carbon economy. This report analyses the challenges and opportunities of Sydney in this context, and provides some policy recommendations on how the public authorities and other key agencies could best support the emergence of a green economy - making the best use of the skills available while creating wealth and growth., Chapter 3. Skills development in the green economy by Paul Dalziel. This chapter analyses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats arising from the way in which public and private agencies in Sydney identify skills needs and deliver skills training to prevent skills gapsfrom hindering business opportunities in the developing green economy. It uses a skill ecosystem framework for the analysis. The chapter finishes with four recommendations arising from the analysis and suggests a case study from outside Australia as a practical example supporting each recommendation.
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