
Bradyrhizobia with a distinct nodA gene nodulate the exotic Lupinus polyphyllus L. in New Zealand soils

Conference Contribution - published
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Lupinus polyphyllus plants were heavily nodulated at ten field sites across the South Island of NZ. Nineteen bacterial isolates from these nodules formed functional nodules on L. polyphyllus indicating that rhizobia that nodulate L. polyphyllus are widespread in the South Island. 16S rRNA and nodA gene sequences identified all 19 isolates as Bradyrhizobium. These Bradyrhizobium had distinct nodA gene sequences.Bradyrhizobium isolates from three other exotic invasive Genisteae species (Ulex europaeus, Cytisus scoparius and Chamaecytisus palmensis)with similar nodA gene sequences nodulated L. polyphyllus suggesting that these four species share a common pool of rhizobia in NZ
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