
Cuticle supplement for plant production

Patent / Intellectual Property
Fields of Research
The plant cuticle is an extracellular hydrophobic layer that covers the aerial epidermis of all land plants. The cuticle plays an important role in maintaining overall crop health and quality. The physiological role of the cuticle extends well beyond its primary function as a transpiration barrier, playing important roles in processes ranging from development to interaction with microbes. In some aspects, plant cuticle functions similarly to human skin, protecting the plant from dehydration as well as serving as a barrier against certain bacteria, fungi, pests, and environmental stresses (Yeats, T.H. and Rose, J.K.C. The Formation and Function of Plant Cuticles. Plant Physiology, September 2013, Vol. 163, pp. 5-20). By thickening the cuticle layer through the application of an exogenous product that can create a cuticle-like coating layer, the impact of plant stressors can be lessened, which can lead to increase in marketable yields and improving fruit quality. Several commercial products are available for this purpose. However, these products suffer from the common drawbacks, as they mostly work to prevent sunburn and do not provide complete plant protection. Some of them, if used too early in the growing season, can even induce sunburn. There is an existing need for a cuticle supplement that can provide protection from multiple stressors and is easy to apply, suitable for human consumption, and environmentally friendly.
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