Food utopias: Performing emergent scholarship and agri-food futures
Book Chapter
Our intent is to introduce a means for doing agri-food research differently. We start by briefly tracing our independent ontological journeys (Campbell and Rosin 2011) with regard to agri-food research, during which the concept of utopia emerged as a viable and productive approach to research. In our collaboration, we have identified its potential as an inroad to conversation across entrenched battle lines in debates on the future of feeding the world. Based on our journeys and understandings of utopia as method, we propose three aspects of food utopias that utilize critique, experimentation and process as guiding themes to a critical and enactive scholarship of food. In concluding, we encourage others to engage with food utopias on their own terms, with the aspiration that our experiences will provide some guidance for fellow actors in our pursuit of a better food system.