Kairaki Beach : future recreational development?
This study has been undertaken because –
1. A Management Plan for the Kairaki Recreation Reserve has yet to be completed, and is overdue. It is hoped that this study may help in the compiling of that Management Plan.
2. Although Kairaki has been mentioned in various publications and newspapers throughout this century and last, information on the area is rather scattered. This study is not meant to be a comprehensive piece of writing to surpass all others, but it is hoped it may add to the store of written history, and that in the future some person, or persons, may be able to research and record much more detail and cover broader areas than has been possible in this study.
3. A fellow student shared my interest in the Pines/Kairaki Beach area. He was interested in the potential physical development and maintenance of the Reserves. I hope my study may be able to complement any study he undertakes.
The study has been divided into three sections. The first section is a short history, dealing mainly with the recreational aspects of Kairaki. The second is concerned with the present - a description of the area as it is in the 1980's, illustrated with many photographs. Results of a survey conducted over the Christmas-New Year period, 1984/85, are included in this section. Recommendations for the future development and management of the area complete the third section.
From this study, a Report was forwarded to the Kaiapoi Borough Council.
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