An economic survey of New Zealand wheatgrowers : financial analysis, 1982-83
Fields of Research
This Report is the sixth in an annual series of economic surveys
which concentrate on financial aspects of New Zealand wheatgrowing
farms. These surveys have been undertaken by the Agricultural
Economics Research Unit at Lincoln College on behalf of the Wheat
Growers Sub-Section of Federated Farmers of New Zealand Inc.
The principal objective of this survey is to establish, from farm
accounts and personal interviews, financial data pertaining to
wheatgrowing farms in the 1982-83 financial year. Such data will allow
a more comprehensive picture of wheatgrowing in New Zealand, in line
with that available for other major New Zealand farming industries.
The accounts analysis was carried out by Roger Lough, computer
programming by Patrick McCartin, and the report compiled by Roger Lough
and Patrick McCartin.