
Proceedings of the 1989 Hill and High Country Seminar

Edited Volume
The proceedings include the full text of the following papers: Gullen, D - Crown land reform; Corry, J C - Legal rights of pastoral lessees; Joseph. J L - Legal rights of pastoral lessees; Bamford, J - Legal rights of pastoral lessees, a commentary; Ensor, H R - Legal rights of pastoral lessees, a commentary; Stewart, K M - Categorisation of pastoral land; Holloway, J S - Categorisation of pastoral land; Garden, P - Categorisation of pastoral land; Mouat, K - Categorisation of pastoral land, a commentary; Kerr, I G C - What are they doing about rabbits? Lucas, G - What are they doing about rabbits? A commentary; Hensley, G - Rural fire review; Devine, W - Protected areas legislation review; O'Connor, K F - The conservation of culture and nature in New Zealand mountains; Bullock, D W - Gene manipulation; Patterson, R G & Patterson H M - A practical approach to breeding footrot resistant merinos; Hutchinson, R T - Canada geese - current management scene; Hide, R P - Cleaning up the game of Canada goose management; Brown, R - Changing to merinos; Richardson, D M - Changing to merinos
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© New Zealand Mountain Lands Institute, Lincoln University
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