
Illustrated descriptions of epidermal microcharacters of some festucoid grasses: Including guidelines to the identification of cuticular and epidermal fragments separated from herbivore faeces

Epidermal and cuticular microcharacters are described and illustrated for some 15 grass species found in South Island hill and high country pastures. Sections of the epidermis and cuticle were obtained from both leaf and culm surfaces by acid maceration and manual separation, then stained and permanently mounted. Line drawings are presented for each species with accompanying descriptions. Guidelines are suggested for the identification of epidermal and cuticular fragments separated from herbivore faeces. It is recommended that the guidelines be used in conjunction with both illustrations and descriptions. Photomicrographs were also prepared from epidermal and cuticular preparations. Prints from negatives are available upon request.
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© Tussock Grasslands and Mountain Lands Institute, Lincoln College
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