
Success of the Maori primary sector is success for all New Zealand

This report will attempt to answer the question: “Is the Maori contribution to regional GDP through agribusiness appropriately understood and quantified?” The present National Government has identified policy and priorities relative to the New Zealand’s economic outputs and opportunities. Within the set of priorities they further determined that the ‘Maori economy’ in particular has the ability to contribute significantly more to the overall economic strategy for New Zealand, both domestic and export. This view is reiterated and presented through government policy and subsequently by the various ministries including Treasury. This focus on the Maori economy is not new, however there is an increasing emphasis by this government and its political allies to ‘grow’ the Maori sector at a faster and improved rate to whatever other sectors it sits alongside. Further to this the Government has set an ambitious goal for New Zealand; to increase the ratio of exports to GDP from the current 30% to 40% by 2025. This will require a concentrated effort to encourage investors to develop more internationally competitive businesses, in both the commodity and high-value technology-based sectors.