
Earnscleugh Mine, Central Otago - Resource consent application. Assessment of groundwater effects

Rekker, Jens
Fields of Research
Assessment of the groundwater effects of this activity can be summed up as follows - a. The maximum extent of the area of aquifer affected by water table decline is approximately 1 km, but the largest declines are found in close proximity to the pit pond under dewatering. b. The pit pond would move closer to the basement rock margin of the aquifer. This would result in the groundwtaer table depression effect becoming more accentuated and leading to the effect encompassing most of the aquifer. c. The effect of the dewater at any one location dissapates as the mine pit passes along its mine path, and after the cessation of mining projected to be in September 2018. d. Mine dewatering activities would temporarily cause a less than minor effect as a groundwater table decline to most of the Earnscleugh Flat water bores.
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