
South Canterbury Coastal Streams (SCCS) Limit Setting Process: Social Profile and Assessment

The social analysis reported here was part of the process for setting nutrient limits, and minimum flows and water allocation for the South Canterbury Coastal Streams (SCCS) through a sub-regional plan of the Canterbury Region’s Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP). The limit-setting process was undertaken by the Lower Waitaki – South Canterbury Coastal Zone Committee (ZC) under the auspices of the Canterbury Regional Council (ECAN) as part of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS). The goal of the zone committee is to work with the community to develop a programme of water management recommendations which give effect to the vision and goals of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS). The ZC see there is an opportunity to improve the health and mana (cultural power and values) of Wainono Lagoon, while realising the potential gains in production possible through the proposed Waihao Downs Irrigation Scheme (WDIS) and the Hunter Downs Irrigation Scheme (HDIS).
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