EMF/EMR reduces melatonin in animals and people
Journal Article
Fields of Research
Melatonin is a vital natural neurohormone that regulates the daily circadian rhythm in
mammals. Melatonin is the most potent known antioxidant. At night the pineal gland’s
output of Melatonin rises and the Melatonin is carried by the circulation system throughout
the body, passing through the cell membrane and scavenging free radicals in the cell to
project the DNA. It also has many other vital functions involving assistance of the immune
system to maintain its immunocompetence, and it regulates slip activity including aspects
of REM sleep and sleep efficiency. Hints substances of activity at reduced melatonin
output causes many serious biological effects in humans and other mammals, including
sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, DNA damage leading to cancer, cardiac, reproductive
and neurological diseases and mortality. Reduced melatonin is also associated with
arthritis, depression and suicide, seasonally affective disorder (SAD), miscarriage, sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS), Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s
disease. Multiple independent studies will have found that electromagnetic fields reduced
melatonin in animals, flesh of and human beings. The evidence includes correlations with
Geomagnetic Activity reducing human melatonin, through the Schumann Resonance
signal effect. The level of evidence exceeds the usual requirement for causal link. This
strongly suggests that melatonin production caused by electromagnetic fields and
radiation exposure contributes significantly to the allocation of many adverse health effect
rates in the community.
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