
Management of Himalayan thar (Hemitragus jemlahicus): determining a management strategy : dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the Diploma of Parks and Recreation Management, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand

This dissertation is an attempt to further my understanding of thar (Hemitragus jemlahicus) and some principles of wildlife management in addition to put forward some of my ideas on one of the most controversial issues of game animal management in New Zealand. It is not my intention to offer a full, comprehensive analysis of thar (see 3.2) ecology, nor is it my intention to offer a nostalgic reflection of the 'good old days'. This is a study of those relevant factors which should be considered before a management strategy can be determined. My overall aim is to examine these factors and identify the most logical, realistic management option to pursue, given the information available today. To do this, I rely on much of the research done by authors such as Levine (1985), Caughley (1970a, 1970b, 1967, 1977) and Parkes (1988). I view the problem from a number of perspectives. Firstly, as a recreational hunter with an interest in thar hunting, I see thar as a resource to be managed. Secondly from a student studying parks management and the natural sciences, I see thar as an introduced mammal causing damage to the natural environment. Thirdly I view the problem through the eyes of a new generation of recreational hunters who have been caught between the era of government culling and commercial exploitation, and that of formal game animal management that will inevitably follow. Inevitably there will be a tendency of bias from my interests as a recreational hunter but I am confident my academic studies will offset this.
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