Improved farming systems for the Central Chaco of Paraguay : some case studies
Fields of Research
This study is about developing improved farming systems for the Central Chaco region of Paraguay. The improved systems must not only be more efficient, but also sustainable in the long run without depleting the resource base.
The Paraguayan economy relies heavily on agricultural production. An important farming community in the Central Chaco of Paraguay was chosen for this study. Three typical farms in the area of study were used to develop a database that was, subsequently, used to develop a linear programming model for a typical farm. This model was used to study and test how different factors impact on the farming systems. Furthermore, an assessment was made of how technological and managerial alternatives could improve the farming systems.
This was the first attempt to study farming systems in Paraguay from a system perspective and, as such, data availability was limited. This study is expected to stimulate further research. The study showed that a dairy farming system is more profitable at current market conditions. Within this system, improvements in farm productivity will occur if seasonal calving is utilized.
Use of supplements during the dry season is also recommended. It is more profitable to buy at least 25% of replacements rather than to rear own replacements. Moreover, the introduction of legume mixtures in the system will not only improve the overall performance but also improve the sustainability of the farm system. A leucaena hedge row system is the most promising technological innovation among the explored alternatives
Research results also confirm the need for farmers to have an emergency plan on hand if drought strikes. Overall, this research has proved that linear programming can be successfully utilized to gain an insight into the farming system behaviour and should be considered for further studies in the area of study.