
Free independent travellers: the unknown tourists

The purpose of this study is to describe and examine the tourist market segment of inbound holiday visitors to New Zealand who choose to travel without pre-booking their holiday. These travellers are known as Free Independent Travellers (FITs). They are considered to be a growth segment, but there is little known of their activities in New Zealand, who they are or why they choose to travel independently. Information about travellers and FITs in particular was collected through exit interviews at New Zealand's largest ports (Auckland and Christchurch international airports) during February and March 1988. As well as containing a description of holiday characteristics, demographic characteristics and lifestyle profiles of FITs, the results of the study indicate that: 1) some demographic and holiday characteristics are significantly associated with an independent travel style, 2) segmenting FITs using lifestyle identified five segments which were given descriptive names of, Sports People, Budgeters, Gregarious, Family Oriented and Comfort Seekers. Each lifestyle is associated with particular demographic and holiday characteristics consistent with their central life interest. This market research information could be utilised by tourism planners involved in designing suitable products and services for independent travellers.