
An evaluation of models for environmental education in developing countries : A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Parks and Recreation Management at Lincoln University

The planet Earth is under growing stress from human activity, and there is increasing pessimism surrounding the outlook for the world environment. Despite rapid escalation of environmental problems in developing countries, there seems to be little concern about solving these problems. Environmental education is vital to heighten people’s awareness of sustainable resource use and development. This study evaluates selected environmental education models and processes. In it, I argue that present models could only be used in developing countries with considerable modification. There is thus a need for an environmental education model more directly applicable to developing countries in order to facilitate conservation education at the community level. Such a model will help solve environmental problems which directly impact local people’s quality of life. A literature review, an expert survey, and interviews were used to collect information for this research. Thirty-one international respondents returned a questionnaire about the underlying basis for models of environmental education. From these thirty-one, fifteen people were selected to review the researcher’s model. Results from the expert opinions surveyed indicate differences in the magnitude and causes of environmental problems in various countries and differences of opinion about the role of environmental education in resolving these problems. There was consistent support for the participation of local people in environmental education planning and for the integration of cultural and religious values in nature conservation. The outcome is an “Integrative and Participatory Model” for environmental education which will promote the goals of conservation and sustainable development via a synergic relationship between local people and nature conservation agencies.
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