
Maori writing retreats : advancing Maori postgraduates

Conference Contribution - published
Fields of Research
Māori representation within postgraduate ranks has increased dramatically over the past few years. Within this group, those initiating research degrees often find themselves isolated from traditional whanau/hapu/iwi support, particularly during the actual writing. Reports suggest the retention of Māori into postgraduate study and the completion of research degrees are concerns. Māori institutions are initiating their own response to this problem. This paper details strategies implemented by regional Māori postgraduate supporters in their efforts to increase both the retention of Māori students and their timely progress to completion. Key features of successful strategies are a) Māori academic mentors of proven abilities scaffolding thesis students, b) extended contact time with these mentors and peers, c) community collaboration and support. A corollary development to individual progress is the opportunity to anchor Māori postgraduate activities within Māori communities. This offers opportunities for knowledge exchange, normalises advanced research in marginalised communities, and reminds potential future Māori leaders of the social base from which Māori development emanates.