Feet and wheels : a study of urban parks in relation to the disabled
In recent years a considerable amount of research has been undertaken in the field of handicapped and disabled people in our society. This research has lead to a change in non-disabled peoples attitudes towards disabled people in our environment. This in turn has lead to more things such as playgrounds and schools being adapted to function effectively for both disabled and non disabled people. This change has been slow and long awaited. There is still much more that can be done to help the disabled of all ages. It is hard to say whether the result of the research has caused a change
in planning of play equipment or whether public awareness has inspired the research to be carried out. Recreation has come under some of the more recent research. As an essential element for health and well-being of the individual, the opportunity to participate must be open to all, regardless of age, sex, handicap etc. For the child with a disability, play experiences are especially important in order to maximize the rate of physical, cognitive and social development.
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