Young people and future generations in environmental policy and planning in Aotearoa New Zealand : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Planning
This dissertation examines how young people and future generations are taken into account in environmental policy and planning in Aotearoa New Zealand. Decisions made today will profoundly impact the lives of present young people and future generations, for instance with irreversible biodiversity loss and climate change. This raises questions of how young people and future generations are taken into account, or given voice, within environmental governance.
In this context, this research sought to examine how young people and future generations are included or represented in environmental policy and planning in Aotearoa, including identification of the institutions and mechanisms for intergenerational environmental justice. To do this, it draws on documentary analysis of 40 key pieces of environmental legislation, including the Environment Act 1986, Resource Management Act 1991, Climate Change Response Act 2002, and Local Government Act 2002, as well as national policy statements and a sampling of case law. Document analysis was supplemented with six in-depth key informant interviews to explore the strengths, challenges, and possibilities of existing practices for intergenerational environmental justice in Aotearoa.
This dissertation argues that the current system for environmental policy and planning in Aotearoa New Zealand is not sufficient to achieve intergenerational environmental justice. The research reveals an inconsistent and narrow framing of intergenerational environmental justice in key environmental legislation and policy and suggests that young people and future generations are not effectively engaged in decision-making. The analysis suggests: (1) the importance of clarifying key definitions and goals of intergenerational environmental justice and sustainable development; (2) establishing mechanisms for representation of future generations and strengthening legislation to demonstrably take them into account; and (3) explicitly recognising young people in environmental legislation, as well as improving practices to meaningfully engage with them in environmental decision-making. It also recognises the need for wider societal shifts to facilitate meaningful and enduring change.
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