
Reviewing the implementation of stringency in the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) to protect sensitive environments : A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master at Lincoln University

The National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry 2017 (NES-PF) aims to provide nationally consistent standards for plantation forestry. NES-PF classify plantation forestry’s activity as a permitted activity unless it states otherwise. Regulation 6 of NES-PF provides the option for local authorities to put a more stringent rule in their resource management plans, including to give effect to the National Policy Statements for freshwater (NPS-FM) and coastal environments (NZCPS). This study examines whether the regional and unitary councils have implemented stringency for regulating excessive sedimentation of waterways and coastal environments and under what circumstances. An in-depth case study of the Northland Regional Council is presented. Information was collected using the Local Government Information and Meeting Act 1987 (LGOIMA) and the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). GIS analysis was carried out to find more information about the case study’s location. Only seven regional councils have applied stringency to meet NPS-FM’s objective and only four councils used a stringent rule for NZCPS. Possible explanations for the patchy implementation of greater stringency are discussed; this includes the process in exercising greater stringency. This study provides insights into the issues around implementing national directions. Based on the findings, Te Uru Rākau, Regional and Unitary Council should consider several things for improving the NES-PF and strengthening the implementation of stringency to protect sensitive environments, including strengthening compliance monitoring, better alignment of NES-PF with NPS-FM and NZCPS, and encouraging the use of stringency to protect sensitive environments.
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